
Why Should I Go To Therapy and How Do I Know I Need It?

2024-09-03T13:08:21+02:00September 3rd, 2024|Interns|

Mental health awareness has been getting a lot of attention recently. Therapy, counseling, psychology, and many other terms have been floating around social media and have even made it into our everyday lives through the news or radio broadcasts. It is not uncommon to hear people say, “I don’t believe in therapy” or “Therapy doesn’t

Coping Strategies

2024-08-28T11:17:22+02:00August 28th, 2024|Interns|

When life gets tough, what do you do to deal with all the challenges and stress? Do you jog, draw, shout, eat, or hide? These are all different coping strategies that you can use to better manage life’s stresses. People develop different coping strategies over time; some are healthy and conductive, whereas others are unhealthy

Mental Health And The Arts

2024-08-23T12:10:19+02:00August 23rd, 2024|Interns|

“The primary benefit of practicing any art, whether well or badly, is that it enables one's soul to grow.” – Kurt Vonnegut Jr. The arts have long been part of cultures globally. Think of the cave drawings of the Khoisan, or the colourful geometric patterns of the Ndebele people. Many cultures have traditional dances and

The Counsellor’s Role in Supporting Clients Experiencing Symptoms of Delusions and Hallucinations

2024-08-23T10:54:13+02:00August 23rd, 2024|Interns|

A client experiencing symptoms of delusions and hallucinations in daily life can be severely affected; these symptoms are both complex and often frightening experiences. Mental health conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, substance use disorder, borderline personality disorder, and major depression are commonly associated with these symptoms. The role of a counsellor in these situations

The Power of Self-Compassion in Counselling

2024-08-07T13:53:46+02:00August 7th, 2024|Interns|

Self‐compassion is a powerful inner resource for enhancing well‐being. Dr. Maya Angelou says it beautifully: “I’ve learned a long time ago that the wisest thing to do is to be on my own side.” In my experience as an intern counsellor, I have seen how difficult it is for clients to be on their own

How to Become a Counsellor in South Africa

2024-07-26T13:36:05+02:00July 19th, 2024|Informative|

How to Become a Counsellor in South Africa Are you passionate about helping others and considering a career in counselling? Becoming a counsellor in South Africa is a rewarding journey that involves several essential steps, from formal education to professional registration. Here’s a detailed guide to help you understand the process of becoming a competent

The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adults

2024-06-12T14:23:41+02:00June 12th, 2024|Interns|

We have learned from experience that the only effective tool we have to combat mental illness is to explore our emotions and come to terms with the truth contained in the unique story of our upbringing. An external locus of control, learned helplessness, and other forms of cognitive vulnerability can arise as a result

The Importance of Self-Care in the Healthcare Profession

2024-06-11T13:24:43+02:00June 11th, 2024|Interns|

As someone who is extremely passionate about self-care, particularly within the healthcare profession, I believe it is a topic that is often overlooked and misunderstood. Many people have a superficial understanding of what self-care entails, and I have seen first-hand the consequences of neglecting one's own well-being while studying. The healthcare profession is notorious for

An introduction to mindfulness – what it is and is it useful?

2024-06-11T11:34:35+02:00June 11th, 2024|Interns|

If you find yourself in a counselling setting, whether you are a client or a counsellor, you have likely heard of or practiced mindfulness. Counsellors often recommend and teach mindfulness to their clients. Not only do clients find it helpful, but counsellors also regularly practice it in their personal capacity. With this article, the writer

The Power of Authenticity For Our Wellbeing

2024-06-05T08:47:15+02:00June 5th, 2024|Interns|

I truly believe that experiencing authenticity from others, but mostly experiencing authenticity within ourselves, is a major key to our wellbeing. Let me explain this understanding by firstly exploring what wellbeing entails according to research so that we have a better understanding of how authenticity can play a role in this. Seligman developed the PERMA

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