• So many people are stuck with a degree or an honours degree; not knowing where to go from there. Practice as an ASCHP-registered wellness or specialist wellness counsellor!

    • In-person
    • CPD: External CPD's
    • 4 Months
    • Requirement: NQF7
    • ASCHP Designation after registration:
      Specialist wellness counsellor
    • Practicals,
      Guidance & Mentorship
    • Deposit: R4 999
      4 payments: R5 000 PM
      Total: R24 999
  • This part-time training course equips delegates with theoretical knowledge and the practical skills to provide therapeutic interventions to children.

    • Online, Self-paced Video Recordings & In-person
    • CPD: 104.5 SACSSP CPD points
    • 12 Months
    • Requirement: NQF7
    • ASCHP Designation after registration:
      Specialist wellness counsellor
    • Practicals,Supervision,
      Guidance & Mentorships,
      104.5 SACSSP CPD points
    • Deposit: R4 999
      10 payments: R4 000 PM
      Total: R44 999