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Saying no, sticking to your boundaries, and putting your foot down. What does this sentence make you feel? Do you feel anxious, guilty, or fearful? Or do you feel as if it is something that you can do? 

In day-to-day life, saying no to someone can leave us feeling guilty and anxious, and this is often a result of the people pleasing behaviour we may have developed over time. Often enough, we put other individuals’ needs before our own as a way to keep the peace or please them, but, where does this leave you? What if you had to get that work done? What if you had to go to that appointment? What if you had to rest and reset for the necessity of mental, emotional, or physical health? How are you to fill other individuals’ cups when yours is empty? 

It is okay to say no, especially if it is at the cost of maintaining your overall health, and this is where boundaries come into play. With boundaries, you can get that work done, you can go to that appointment, and you can get the much-needed day or weekend of recuperation to improve your overall health, while simultaneously saying no, guilt-free! 

The concept of boundaries plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall well-being, and can be described as invisible lines that clearly explain where we end and others begin, both in terms of physical and emotional spaces. They are the cornerstone of healthy relationships, self-respect, and personal growth. They are not walls meant to isolate us, but bridges designed to preserve our individuality and encourage respect in our interactions with others. 

Just as physical boundaries define our personal space, emotional boundaries safeguard our feelings, beliefs, values, and mental health. By defining your personal boundaries, you protect yourself from being taken advantage of, overwhelmed, or emotionally drained. It is an act of self-respect, self-love, and self-empowerment, because, by communicating your limits assertively, you are sending a message to yourself and others that your needs are valid and worthy of consideration. Ultimately creating a sense of self-worth and confidence and leading to increased self-esteem.  

Boundaries present opportunities for personal growth. When we challenge ourselves to step outside our comfort zones and establish boundaries where we once had none, we evolve and become more resilient individuals. A few examples of areas in which you can set boundaries include: 


In relationships, setting and respecting boundaries is vital for creating a strong foundation of trust and mutual understanding. When we clearly communicate our limits, we enable others to comprehend our needs and desires. Conversely, we also learn to respect the boundaries of those around us, acknowledging their autonomy and uniqueness. This is not an act of selfishness, but rather an act of self-preservation and self-care. By maintaining a healthy balance between giving and receiving, we avoid burnout and foster more meaningful connections with others. 

Preserving Mental and Emotional Well-being 

In our fast-paced world, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the demands of work, family, and social obligations. Setting clear boundaries regarding time and energy can prevent us from becoming emotionally drained and mentally exhausted. Recognizing our limits and knowing when to step back allows us to prioritize self-care and maintain our emotional equilibrium. It is crucial to tune into our emotions and recognize when we need space, support, or simply a moment of solitude to recharge. 

Professional Life 

In the realm of work and careers, boundaries are essential for achieving a healthy work-life balance. It is easy to submit to the pressure of overworking or taking on responsibilities beyond our capacity. However, by establishing boundaries around our working hours and responsibilities, we safeguard our physical and mental health. 

Healthy boundaries can lead to increased productivity, reduced stress levels, and improved job satisfaction. So, when we prioritize time for relaxation, hobbies, and personal growth, we approach our work with renewed enthusiasm and creativity. 

What do boundaries sound like? 

-Thank you for the invite, unfortunately I cannot make it. 

-I can stay for half an hour. 

-I do not respond to work emails on the weekend as it falls outside of my designated working hours. 

-I need time to think about this. I’ll get back to you. 

-It is not my job to think, feel, or live for others. 

-I have a right to feel my feelings no matter what others think. 

Tips for setting boundaries 

  • Define and identify the boundary. 
  • Communicate what you need and why. 
  • Be clear and concise. 
  • Set consequences to highlight the importance of your boundary. 
  • Be firm and direct. 
  • Let go of the guilt and remind yourself that boundaries are a way of protecting and nurturing your overall health. 


Boundaries are the guardians of our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. They shape the way we interact with the world and how the world interacts with us. By setting boundaries, we cultivate healthier relationships, protect our mental and emotional health, and nurture personal growth. Embracing boundaries is not a sign of weakness but a testament to our strength and commitment to living a balanced and fulfilling life. So, let us learn to draw those lines with confidence and compassion, as they pave the way for a more harmonious existence. 

If you would like guidance on how to obtain the skills around creating and placing boundaries in your life, book a session with us and let’s build your resilience together! 

Author: Caitlin Claase