Sarie is a Social Worker in Private Practice.

I am a registered qualified Social Worker in Private Practice, who obtained my BA Social Work (Hons) degree at the University of Pretoria in 1990. I have gained over 10 years of experience; working in legal and supportive social work services at various welfare organisations.

I entered Private Practice in 2009 and specialised in forensic assessments in care and contact disputes and investigations into allegations of child sexual abuse. I have rendered counselling, therapeutic, and crisis management services to schools/students in the Centurion/Pretoria area.

I trained mental health professionals, social workers, teachers, early childhood development students in child protection, child abuse awareness, social emotional well-being, and child development.

I have completed various courses from 2012 to 2019 at FACT (Forensic Assessment Consultation Training) as part of forensic assessment of children and families, mindful of my continuous professional development.

I have developed and presented training manual for mental health professionals “From Law to Practice” – Guidelines in understanding children’s rights and the Children’s Act 38 of 2005. I provided professional supportive development services to peer social workers in matters related to best interests of the Child and Parental responsibilities and rights investigations, as well as operational and administrative case management of matters in Private Practice. Moreover, I conducted numerous online counselling services during COVID-19.

In 2021 I completed Masters degree at the University of Western Cape, Social Work Department in Child and Family Studies (Research) Cum Laude. I have conducted my research project in 2020 during the COVID-19 global pandemic. The specialisation of investigations into care and contact matters conducted by social workers in private practice, and my own journey since 2009 were the main motivators for my thesis. My passion to explore, and the need to understand this specialisation was the driving force for my project. My journey will continue in the further investigation and addressing the challenges social workers face when interacting in the legal system.

I am currently a fulltime student at the University of the Western Cape busy with a PhD in Social Work. My PhD  proposal has been accepted by the University of the Western Cape Human Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee 22 December 2022 with the title as follow:  Best interest of child in parental responsibilities and rights investigations: Developing process guidelines for social workers in private practices.

I am also an Assistant Lecturer for Social Work Research 3rd year from 2022. I render training services related to parental responsibilities and rights and best interests of child standard to mental health professionals and social workers.

I am a member of the following associations:

  • The South African Council for Social Services Professions, (SACSSP) no: 10-13593
  • The Board of Health Funders of South Africa (BHF), practice no: 03464
  • The South African Association of Social Workers in Private Practice (SAASWIPP), no: 800132
  • AFCC (Association of Family and Conciliation Court).