Taryn Nunn

Humanitas Graduate


  • HUMANITAS Counselling Course

    Certificate received for 220 Hours

    April 2024

  • How To Start And Run Your Own Counselling Practice

    Certificate received for Completion

    February 2024

  • HUMANITAS Counselling Course

    Certificate received for 100 Hours

    February 2024

Contact me

  • not supplied
  • 0835871843
  • nunn.taryn1@gmail.com

The decision to seek counselling is a difficult yet courageous one. I aim to provide a safe and supportive space that will allow you (my client) the time and patience they need to better understand themselves as well as their presenting concerns. It is also a space where doubts and emotions can be expressed and questions can be addressed.

I love life and healing, believe wholeheartedly in wellness and am incredibly passionate about helping people understand that we are all perfect in our imperfections. My goal is not to advise you on what you should or shouldn’t do but to journey with you as we explore your concerns and work together towards healing. 

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