Marelize Krieg

Humanitas Graduate


  • HUMANITAS Counselling Course

    Certificate received for 220 Hours

    April 2024

  • HUMANITAS Counselling Course

    Certificate received for 100 Hours

    March 2024

Contact me

  • 082 799 4800


My name is Marelize and I am a specialist wellness counsellor registered with the Association for Supportive Counsellors and Holistic Practitioners. 

Why are we here? Because we're alive. Because we each have a purpose to fulfil on this earth. 

Life can be hard unfair, intense, and terrible. But, life can also be beautiful, enriching, inspiring, and hopeful. Surviving is not easy, and thriving even more difficult.

However, you are resilient.

Everything you need to succeed, you already have access to - perhaps you just don't know it yet. Still, a little help never hurts anyone. My role as your counsellor is to help you unlock your own potential so that you can empower yourself to transcend your fears, become your favourite self, and live your best life. By utilising a person-centered approach and drawing on my own personal experience, I will guide, support, and facilitate the healing and growth process for you.

I will fight for you, but I cannot save you - only you can do that.

However, I can equip you with the tools you need to succeed and help you find your way by and for yourself. Together, we will work on promoting functional, healthy thoughts and behaviours. I will help you to feel your feelings, because the only way out is through. And, if we need more help, I can help you get it. You know yourself best and only you can choose what you want to do with your life. You are the expert on you. We work with what you bring. Commit to the process for long enough and make the shift from victim to survivor to warrior. 

"Don't be sad that roses have thorns. Be glad that thorns have roses." - Lee Child

In addition to my specialist wellness counsellor internship training from Humanitas and honours degree in Psychology from the South African College of Applied Psychology, I have also completed a health coaching course through the University of the Free State and several other courses in counselling, most notably in counselling children and adolescents through the University of South Africa. I also manage a SADAG support group for young adults. As part of my undergraduate degree in Psychological Counselling from the University of South Africa, I focused on victimology and criminology. I am a firm believer that most of life's difficulties arise from trauma, and therefore chose to complete the thesis for my honours degree in Psychology on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I offer a wide range of services to individuals, couples, families, and other groups, including trauma counselling, debriefing, crisis management, addiction counselling, and loss/grief counselling. 

How badly do you want it?

As a counsellor, I live for a single moment… The moment the individual sitting opposite me realises their own strength and capability, when they light up and the fire of determination burns in their eyes, because they know they will rise up and fight back, no matter how many times they are knocked back down and have to try again. Try, they will, because they choose to do so. 

You are strong enough. You are worthy enough. You can do it. 

There is no easy way through life, no safe way. There is nothing you can do to prevent the pain of being alive. Pain is inevitable. But, suffering is optional. For a million, tiny reasons, life is worth it. You just need to find your reason. Find something to hold on to, something to fight for, something to live for. Trust me and let me hold the space for you. Let me help you to not only survive - but thrive. 

Your life is your own. Rise up and live it. 


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