Danielle du Plessis

Humanitas Graduate


  • HUMANITAS Counselling Course

    Certificate received for 220 Hours

    February 2023

  • HUMANITAS Counselling Course

    Certificate received for 100 hours

    February 2023

Contact me

  • not supplied
  • 0790279657
  • danielleduplessis1999@gmail.com

My name is Danielle du Plessis. I am a newly graduated Psychology student and I am currently a specialist wellness counselling student at Humanitas. I am enthusiastic about assisting individuals in thriving in life, discovering their abilities to prosper and overcome adversity.

Have you or someone you care about recently endured a loss? Are you in mourning for someone or something? For many of us, the COVID-19 pandemic will be remembered as a year of loss, sorrow, and anguish. These few years we lost loved ones, homes, jobs, property, and, for a few of us, even ourselves and our purpose. Are you consumed by recurring thoughts of your trauma or the sadness and anxiety brought on by the trauma? Are things getting too much for you and you just want to talk to someone who will actually pay attention? I understand how tough it can be to reach out for help and to take the first step toward putting yourself first. I will be honoured to take that frightening first step with my clients, reassuring them that they are not alone in this process, assisting them in navigating their life difficulties, whatever they may be; listening intently and providing them with effective coping skills to help them deal with their obstacles. Because; I believe that not only is it important to provide counselling, but it is also important to provide my clients with tools that will assist them in the future; and that this will take place in a counselling setting that fosters unconditional acceptance and a safe haven for self-expression, where I am not seen as an expert but merely an equal to my client.

Carl Rogers said the following: It is the client who knows what hurts, what directions to go, what problems are crucial and what experiences have been deeply buried.

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